Rare Trèfle Sideboard by Jean Royére
France | c. 1942 Sand-blasted oak, oak-veneer, leather, brass. Cabinet features 3 doors with 1 continuous interior shelf, and 5 relief panels wrapped in red leather.
h. 31.75" w. 80.25" d. 20.75"
Condition: Very good condition. The wood has been touched up and a few nicks & cracks have been filled. Leather panels have been recently cleaned and waxed, but their condition suggests that they have been replaced at some point.
Provenance: Olivier Watelet Gallery, Paris; Private Collection, Switzerland; Christie's, Paris, May 19, 2015; Private Collection, Paris; Phillips, London, April 26, 2017; Acquired from the above by the present owner.
Published: Jean Royère, décorateur à Paris. Musée des Arts Décoratifs cataloge. Pg. 160.
Galerie Jacques Lacoste and Galerie Patrick Seguin, Jean Royère, Volume 1, Paris, 2012, pp. 74-75 for images and a drawing.
Galerie Jacques Lacoste and Galerie Patrick Seguin, Jean Royère, Volume 2, Paris, 2012, pp. 72, 229-31 for an image and technical drawings.
Cabinet only h.24" w.70.5" d.18.25"
Ref: 34 JRY 02
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